April 8, 2015

Products I Love - My Eco Reusable Grocery Shopping Bags

Organized reusable shopping bag set

I'm excited to talk to you today about a product that I absolutely love.  I discovered My Eco Reusable Grocery Bags a couple of years ago on another blog and immediately purchased them.  I have been using them ever since, and I absolutely L-O-V-E them!

Why do I love them so much?  Well let me tell you! Not only are they environmentally friendly and very clever, they are also ORGANIZED!  A product after my own heart.  Swoon.....

I've used reusable grocery bags on and off for years, but I would always forget to grab them or hated carrying around 15 bulky bags that took up a lot of space in my grocery cart and car.  When I saw what a compact design (how they all fit inside each other) and how BIG these bags were, I knew that it would be so much easier.  

My Eco bags are reusable grocery bags made from recycled yogurt containers.  There are 4 bags and each has a special purpose and is labeled so you know what goes where!  I love that they have large, wide straps that make carrying the bags easier.  They are very sturdy and can hold a lot of weight, and the straps really help evenly distribute that weight.  Even when they are very heavy, I don't ever feel like they are going to break.  The set EASILY replaces 30 disposable plastic sacks, so they are not only made from recycled materials, but very eco-friendly because you are not using disposable sacks.

Organized reusable shopping bag set

The black bag is the smallest bag and is for jars and bottles.  It is the smallest so that it isn't too heavy.  It has mesh pockets on the inside to help keep the bottles in place.  I also use this bag for canned goods.

Organized reusable shopping bag set

The blue bag is an insulated bag with zipper closure for all of your chilled and frozen items.  And let me tell you, it works! I've used this bag as a cooler on road trips and it has worked wonderfully!  I love to have all of my chilled and frozen items in here and feel secure that they will still be frozen when I get home, even if I have a few detours on the way!

Organized reusable shopping bag set

The green bag is for produce.  It is quite large, which is great for all the fruits and veggies we eat.  If I do have some extra room, I usually throw breads on top.

Organized reusable shopping bag set

The brown bag is the largest bag and is for all the rest of your groceries and dry goods.  I can easily get a few cereal boxes, crackers, pasta and other items in here with room to spare!  This bag is also the bag that everything else fits inside of and then zips up to form this compact pouch!  I can keep this pouch in the side pocket in the door of my mini-van so it is always there and convenient for me to grab.  No more forgetting my reusable bags!

Organized reusable shopping bag set

What surprised me the first time I used these bags is how much actually fit in them.  I was able to get a week's worth of groceries EASILY and with room to spare for my large family in these 4 bags!

My trunk went from this - 
Organized reusable shopping bag set

To this! (excuse the carseat!)

Organized reusable shopping bag set

Organized reusable shopping bag set

This was one trip to the grocery store for a weeks worth of groceries.  I usually choose to bag my own groceries, but most stores are very accommodating when you tell them what you want to do.  I usually place the bag that I want things to go in before I place all of the items that go in the bag on the conveyor belt.  Then its easy for them to load things into the right bag.

Organized reusable shopping bag set

Look how neat and tidy my cart is!  Everything fits! And unloading the car in 1-2 loads is so much easier.  And putting all of my groceries away is a BREEZE because everything is sorted and organized! 

Some cities and states are now requiring grocery stores CHARGE money for every bag they give to customers (see this news article about Dallas, TX) and the bags have to be thicker so that people don't have to double bag.  The fee is meant to reduce litter and pollution and encourage customers to bring their own bags.  Here in Utah there is no fee. But, my local grocery store gives me 5 gas points for every bag (and they usually give me extra because My Eco bags are so big!)

Want to try these awesome bags?  My Eco Bag has graciously provided a coupon code for you to use to purchase the bags at a discount! The coupon is good for $10 off and is valid through April 2015!

I also have 1 set of My Eco bags to giveaway! Yay!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I, too, have a hard time getting my bags from the car into the store so these are very cool Amanda-thanks for sharing!

  2. I love using eco-friendly bags. I always use them when I visit Whole Foods!

  3. We had an arsenal of the reusable ones purchased at local grocery stores I feel like they disintegrate all too fast. We are down to only a small few again!

    1. I hear ya! I've had these for a couple of years now and they are holding up great!


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